scn GoodspringsRadioScript short bFixed ; 1 = Player has repaired the radio. short Button begin OnLoad if (VFreeformGoodsprings.bKnowAboutRadio == 0) && (GetDestroyed == 0) SetDestroyed 1 endif end begin OnActivate player if bFixed Activate else ShowMessage GSBrokenRadioMsg endif end BEGIN GameMode set Button to GetButtonPressed if ( Button == 1 ) set bFixed to 1 ShowMessage GSFixedRadioMsg set VFreeformGoodsprings.bFixedRadio to 1 RewardXP 10 Activate endif endif END
An examination of the radio's internal components reveals that several parts and connections were popped loose when the radio hit the floor. It should be a fairly simple repair job to get it working again. [Repair of 20 or greater required.]
Menu Buttons:
0: Leave it alone.
1: Repair the radio.
You fixed the Prospector Saloon's radio.
Display time: 2