
Working on OS Commerce

  1. Created web_store git report on kfserver01.
  2. Populated “master” with Gold version of code from 04/04/2011.
  3. Branched to “dev” and populated with code from 01/01/2012.
  4. Merged that to master
  5. checked 01/01/2013 and 01/01/2014, there were no changes.
  6. Brought in 03/03/2014 to dev branch. Two files changed.
Jays-MacBook-Pro:web-store jeverson$ git status
 # On branch dev
 # Changes not staged for commit:
 # (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
 # (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)
 # modified: lim_admin/.htpasswd_oscommerce
 # modified: lim_admin/includes/configure.php
 no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
 Jays-MacBook-Pro:web-store jeverson$ pwd

Need to compare files next. Admin interface should be fixed with new “secure105…” URL, I think.

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One Response to “ “Working on OS Commerce”

  1. jeverson says:

    The two modified files were rolled back. However, the admin login still failed to work. Found instructions at http://www.tutorialworld.net/error-invalid-administrator-login-attempt-oscommerce/ however the SQL code was incorrect. Changed it to:

    DROP table IF EXISTS administrators;
    CREATE table administrators (
    id int not NULL auto_increment,
    user_name varchar(32) binary not NULL,
    user_password varchar(40) not NULL,
    primary KEY (id)