Posted by The TechMentor in Fallout New Vegas, Game Modding
on Aug 8th, 2015
Syntax: ResetInterior CellID Example: ResetInterior MyVault01 Marks the cell as expired so that the next time it is loaded it will be cleaned up as if several days have passed.
Posted by The TechMentor in Fallout New Vegas, Game Modding, Scripts
on Aug 8th, 2015
First create a door. It can be locked or unlocked. Next create a Message. Example text: An examination of the door's security components reveals that several parts and connections were damaged when raiders tried to break in. It should be repairable with the right parts, or perhaps the system can be bypassed. [Repair of 40 or greater required, plus 2 pieces of Scrap Electronics and a Sensor Module are required to repair the door.] [Science of 50 or greater required to bypass the security system.] There will be three options: Then create a the fixed door messages: You fixed the Safe House...
Posted by The TechMentor in Fallout New Vegas, Game Modding, Scripts
on Aug 8th, 2015
ScriptNname AutoClosingDoor01 float doorTimer short closeDoor Begin GameMode if closeDoor == 1 if doorTimer > 0 set doorTimer to doorTimer - getSecondsPassed elseif GetOpenState == 1 ; if the door is still open SetOpenState 0 ; close the door set closeDoor to 0 endif endif End Begin OnActivate if GetOpenState == 3 ; if the door is closed set doorTimer to 5 set closeDoor to 1 endif Activate End
Posted by The TechMentor in Fallout New Vegas, Game Modding
on Jul 29th, 2015
Used for Safe House Fridge and Supply Crates scn TISHNiptonSupplyResetScript begin GameMode if GetDayOfWeek == 1 || GetDayOfWeek == 4 TISHNiptonSupply01REF.ResetInventory TISHNiptonSupply02REF.ResetInventory endif end
Posted by The TechMentor in Fallout New Vegas, Game Modding
on Jul 27th, 2015
Addiction: ;Set to heal the player of addictions RemoveSpell WithdrawalAlcohol RemoveSpell WithdrawalAntNectar RemoveSpell WithdrawalBuffout RemoveSpell WithdrawalHydra RemoveSpell WithdrawalJet RemoveSpell WithdrawalMentats RemoveSpell WithdrawalMorphine RemoveSpell WithdrawalPsycho RemoveSpell WithdrawalQuantumNukacola RemoveSpell WithdrawalRebound RemoveSpell WithdrawalSteady RemoveSpell WithdrawalTobacco RemoveSpell WithdrawalTurbo ShowMessage AddictionRemovalMsg Set Generic.Addicted to 0 Raditation: player.RestoreAV RadiationRads 1000 Health: ;Set to heal the player of physical damage plus code...
Posted by The TechMentor in Excel, Journal
on Mar 4th, 2015
This will always give the date of the next Sunday: =A1 + 7 - WEEKDAY(A1)+1 If A1 is a Sunday, this will give the following Sunday (e.g. if A1 is Nov. 18, it will give Nov. 25). If instead, when A1 is a Sunday you want it to give you the same date, rather than the following Sunday (e.g. on Nov. 18, it gives Nov. 18), then use this version: =$A1 + 7 - WEEKDAY($A1,2) To find the first day of the following month, use the following EOMONTH function:...