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Working on OS Commerce

Created web_store git report on kfserver01. Populated “master” with Gold version of code from 04/04/2011. Branched to “dev” and populated with code from 01/01/2012. Merged that to master checked 01/01/2013 and 01/01/2014, there were no changes. Brought in 03/03/2014 to dev branch. Two files changed. Jays-MacBook-Pro:web-store jeverson$ git status # On branch dev # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified:...
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Setting up a local Git using a remote server

Install git sudo apt-get install git Configure git git config --global user.name "Jay Everson (hostname-O/S)" git config --global user.email jeverson@techmentor.com Setup SSH client to use port 2222 # vi ~/.ssh/config Host backwater.techmentor.com port 2222 Setup SSH to login to the “origin” server without a password. Create source directory Clone Repos git clone gitpriv@backwater.techmentor.com:gitrepo/scripts.git git clone gitpriv@backwater.techmentor.com:gitrepo/configs.git git clone...
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Changing the Color of Links

Using the ElegantThemes eBusiness theme, the default color for links did not stand out and links were hard to see. Resolved by making them red. In the style.css file, for the child theme, added the following line of code: .home-post-wrap-2 a {color: #ff0000 !important; font-weight: bold;}
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Fun with mod_rewrite…

Today I had to create some specific/generic rewrite rules. The idea was to allow “motion.com,”www.motion.com,” “www.motion.com/index.html,” and “motion.com/index.html” all go to an index (domain for sale) page. However, let everything else forward to “learninginmotion.com.” So URLs like “www.motion.com/products/index.html” would forward to “www.learninginmotion.com/products/index.html.” The resulting rule was: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.html$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$...
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A script to play with later…

#!/bin/bash # members -- list all members of a group # # SYNOPSIS # members groupname # # http://superuser.com/questions/279891/list-all-members-of-a-group-mac-os-x # by Arne # Expected to work on Mac OS 10.5 and newer, tested on 10.6 and 10.7. # It could be rewritten to work on 10.4 by using "dseditgroup -o checkmember" # instead of "dsmemberutil checkmembership". # By using dseditgroup, the script could also be extended to handle # other Directory Service nodes than the default local node. # the_group="$1" # Input check and usage if [[ $# != 1 || $1 == -* ||...
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