Currently Browsing: System Configuration

Adding a Package to Local 3rd Party Ubuntu Repository

Copy .deb packs to the binary folder: :# cp icaclient_13.7.0.10276927_amd64.deb /var/www/isrgubtu-repo/public_html/repository/amd64/dists/stable/3rd-party/binary-amd64 Recreate Packages and Release file: # cd /var/www/isrgubtu-repo/public_html/repository/amd64 # dpkg-scanpackages -a amd64 . > dists/stable/3rd-party/binary-amd64/Packages dpkg-scanpackages: info: Wrote 3 entries to output Packages file. #  apt-ftparchive release dists/stable/3rd-party/binary-amd64 > dists/stable/3rd-party/binary-amd64/Release Confirm new package is listed: # more dists/stable/3rd-party/binary-amd64/Packages...
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Generating a New GPG Key

Run gpg to generate a new key $ gpg --gen-key Answer questions: RSA 4096 User ID Email Address Comment Enter a passphrase Use gpg to confirm you now have the new key stored in the keyring: gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG Results: /root/.gnupg/secring.gpg ------------------------ sec 2048R/4E6660E79D2BCFD5 2017-10-25 uid Jay C. Everson (None) <jeverson@techmentor.com> ssb 2048R/C1B6E02B5116D297...
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NTP: Force Time Sync

From the command line: # service ntpd stop # ntpdate pool.ntp.org # service ntpd start On RHEL/CentOS you can force ntpd to syncronize on service startup by doing the following: # vi /etc/sysconfig/ntpd There is an OPTIONS variable with something like: OPTIONS="-u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ntpd.pid" Add the -x parameter: OPTION="-x -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ntpd.pid" You may also want to set SYNC_HWCLOCK option to “yes”, in order to also syncronize hardware...
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Mavericks: Set SSH Port

Found the following script: #!/bin/bash ############################################# # AUTHOR: JONATHAN SCHWENN @JONSCHWENN # # MAC MINI VAULT - MAC MINI COLOCATION # # MACMINIVAULT.COM - @MACMINIVAULT # # VERSION 1.01 RELEASE DATE NOV 05 2013 # # DESC: CHANGES THE PORT SSH LISTENS ON # ############################################# #REQUIREMENTS: # OS X 10.8 or newer ############################################# #CHECK FOR OS X 10.8+ if [[ $(sw_vers -productVersion | grep '10.[8-9]') ]] then echo "THIS SCRIPT WILL CHANGE YOUR SSH PORT AND RESTART SSH." echo "THE DEFAULT...
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Thumb Drive Backups…

Bought a 6-pack of 4GB USB thumb drives for various backups. I installed them on liminf01, liminf03, and kfserver01. Used the following commands to format and mount them, since CentOS 5.10 did not automatically mount them. I originally went with the default FAT32 filesystems, but rsync filed to create symlinks, surprise! Step 1: Identify the proper device: $ ls -al /dev/sd* brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 0 Apr 9 17:59 /dev/sda brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 1 Apr 9 17:59 /dev/sda1 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 2 Apr 9 18:00 /dev/sda2 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 3 Apr 9 17:59 /dev/sda3 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 16 Apr...
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